Monday, June 20, 2011


I use soft & hard color pencils for these small Still Life's drawings with minimal objects in them. I started stacking towers of my "collections" & began to push how far I could balance the pieces before they would fall. Thus the "Balance" series started. Each drawing is my experimentation how balance forms....using rocks, dice, keys & flowers. I began to think how our lives are built, balanced over time by each part we add...strength, beauty, form our own ....towers of balance.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Red rock & 3 zinnias"

Putting it out!

The starting of something….something new & unknown…a blog, seems a lot like making art on paper, which I know how, but this is different…art in words & on the net…living forever maybe longer than the real works of art in the real world now shared in the virtual world. The first of firsts for me.