Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I am in bliss and contented when I am thinking about and making art. It’s a feeling that has been with me since childhood. A feeling so familiar that I just need to put on the right music and my mind starts it’s inward path towards creativity…..I am happy….. Because through art I am able to work out my inner turmoil or I might be trying to explore my thoughts, maybe distracting my body and mind. As I fall deeper into this state of creating…..I can feel at peace with myself. I feel that I am fulfilling my purpose. I am appreciating my gift. I find that the more that I drive myself into creating and expanding my art the more that I am able to visualize the next exciting step of making art and being happy.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Merging thoughts

I have found that through making art series that I have been able to explore my own thinking about subjects that I may have dropped because I only did a single piece. I enjoy the challenge a series creates, each work has to stand on its own, yet link to its sister pieces and then the series needs to stand as a whole piece of work….. As if they are not separated by space, wall or page.  The concept of the series needs to be investigated from a diverse but cohesive, interconnected progression of artwork that tells the story….or what lingers in the mind of an artist.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Art of Transformation

 Transformation can be a quick process or one that last years to decades…that’s the beauty of transforming one’s body, mind, house, life or even art. Knowing there is going to be a development that hopefully shows growth, a clearer vision or a new take on creating. Years back I just started cranking out theses black and white sketches that lead me to the drawing the series “Grace” and a few other series…… I do love to draw, the marks, lines and shadows but even as much as I adore drawing, I felt I needed to expand myself to painting and color. In many ways this sketchbook and the paintings that will follow have been brewing in my head for years.  I didn’t know at first where my “art” was headed after the hurricane in 2003. I was able to see growth in destruction of my home and my studio..... everything was bound to be affected by this huge tree and this situation. I knew..... how I would be living and what type of art I was making would be revamped because I would be a different person after all the rebuilding was done. I would be transform, as well as my artwork.
After the hurricane, I thought..."this is going to take along time" and it did!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Best

The best thing about making art is that it’s a path of self discovery. Whether it’s through the use of color, composition, subject matter, style or which medium of choice…. So many avenues an artist can travel their road of creativity that lurks in their mind.  I went with  bright colors  and “conceptual sculpture” for my “Fish” series, then black/white  drawing  for my “River” series …next color pencil for the “Balance” series  and now I am back at painting…for “along the line” and  “Balance #2” series. I am having those fantastic internal feelings when my mind has sketched out the art. Now it’s up to my hands to get working…..this road has has hills, valleys and mountains but I did make this choice to travel.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Do you overlook or look over things?

I ask the question because one point of view is to not see the object and the other view is to examine the object…opposite directions to how your eyes and mind will appreciate or sense the world. I ponder myself….which point of view is better than the other? Or is it best to break it down to each element, each moment in time, each component separated and valued to it's impact and consequence on our lives. 

"do you overlook
 the wires, the poles
to see the

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mixing it up!

Making art expands when an artist starts mixing up their mediums.
"What do you see when you look up?"
 In planning out this sketchbook I laid out which pages to paint and what sizes they would be first. I would do the main page then I used the left over paint on the opposite page. I begin to think of phases that connected to the theme of the book for the extra paint page. I noticed that even my statements or questions had a certain flow as I arranged them with their partnered visual page.
Words mixed with mix mediums….
I am on cloud nine making art!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Seeing more..

Look. Glance. See. Watch. Gaze. Stare. Peep. Glimpse. Spot. Observe. Notice. Perceive.
How do you go about seeing objects in your world?
There are numerous words for the way we use our eyes towards the world. Then after our eyes do their job it’s up to our brain. Understand. Appreciate. Comprehend. Know. Realize. Distinguish.Value. Recognize. Perception. Discernment.
How does your brain work ?
"the more i look
the more i see"

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Along the line.....

"do you look at the sky?"
“Along the line”…I do like this phrase. I was told by a fellow artist, Carol Anne McErlean, about The Sketchbook Project, just Google it for more information. I had been taking photos of the sky, mostly when I am driving. I noticed I was focusing on the light in and around the clouds, the colors that change in seconds......then there are these poles, wires, lights that would cause me to find the right angle to get them out of the way…. more shots, more time, more work! Then after the downloading of the photos, I noticed that the ones I did like the best had some sort of thing in the photo. So, as I was looking through the subjects that I could pick from for my sketchbook, "along the line" jumped out at me. I like that this title has so many meanings. The Sketchbook will mean something different to everyone, even me…and along the line I am thinking… what’s next?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Do you sketch it out first?

"along the line" by liz greene
Most of the time when I am working I don't  (or didn't) sketch things out first.The planning takes place in my mind and then I would go make something. When I was young, I didn't want to waste my paper, crayons or maybe it was my time....or was it my own expectations that I was going to create something with my hands and it was going to be good. I had thought about the design, layout, colors...now to the fun part. Over the years I have admired artists who take the time to sketch their pieces out. I see that value of those sketches in a way now that  I had rushed through during my youth. The planning process helps you see your mistakes or your better choices. I am learning to sketch out new pieces of artwork.....& everything else!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Small steps count

The Sketchbook Project
  Sometimes the steps you take in life are big ones, like having a baby. Sometimes the steps are important ones, like buying a car..... but after having bought and sold several cars over the years, it becomes a special step yet it's a familiar step. Creating art has steps...big, familiar, new, old, exciting, scary, repeating, bold, intimidating, leaps of faith....that happens when an artist minds starts  imagining the next piece of work. I have found out that even the small steps count, maybe they are so important because they are the first ones that can lead to those much bigger steps...... that I want to take.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Creating art is fun, creating art is work!

Creating art is fun, as a kid you just do it all the time and you don't care about what happens to the end piece. Maybe you give it to your mom or teacher to hang up. Maybe the piece goes in a folder to be graded by the art teacher. Maybe you are the only one to see it....then you start creating another piece with out regard to what are you going to do with "it"....it's all about "making, creating, building, drawing, painting, gluing, carving, weaving" (a flood of materials is running through my mind) It's a beautiful time of being an artist, being young, just wanting to make  something.
Then you grow up, you make art but then that after thought of what do you do with it becomes...Marketing, Selling.

tower of power

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The winds are strong.....

"Orange sky after the rain"
I love to draw and several years ago I did nothing else but black/grays/white drawings. I felt the medium and lack of color was a perfect fit for me to express myself. I had been doing conceptual sculpture before that so going to what I thought was a simple, straight forward medium would make my life simple, controllable and I could make my mark in this art market. I am now ready to stretch my artist wings and ride on the creative winds that are swirling through me. Painting, mix media….no limits. Just fly….the winds are strong.  

Monday, January 9, 2012

The need to create......

I have been an artist all my life. It's been a gift to me, a medium that allows me to express myself on such personal level about any feeling I am having and a place to get it out. I have often created when I was not feeling good....getting lost in creating to forget being in pain and this last year with all these surgeries, like now,   thank-you for my gift

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Michael is a American!

This is a drawing I did for Michael to celebrate him becoming a U.S. citizen. It's a small piece, maybe 5x5. I like being able to use words in the drawing, and breaking up the background in sections with different patterns.

Nigel the ginger cat.

Nigel was a ginger stray cat. He was begging for love one night at the American Theatre....looking in the windows, dancing around people feet & legs as they stood in line at the box office.  He is a bold, young playful cat that loves his new home. I had quite a bit of fun doing this for Michael for the holidays. I have done these tiny drawing portraits pieces before as gifts. This is my first painting in this style.